EDURAN adds value

We preserve and grow your capital over time.


EDURAN is trustworthy

Swiss owned and managed by its partners we are here to stay with you for the long term.


EDURAN is switzerland

Small organization with short decision paths and wide-ranging network we are to provide you with solid and effective solutions.


Building wealth for your future. Since 1984.

“At EDURAN we endeavour to preserve and to grow your wealth – through market cycles and for the long term. With solid success, ever since our establishment in 1984.”

As a privately held Swiss company managed by its partners, we are independent of third-party influences such as banks or other financial institutions. Thus, we are in a position to genuinely put your interests first by way of traditional Swiss private banking services with an exclusive focus on you and your needs.

While investing and managing your assets in a customized manner, we work in tandem with you to structure and safeguard your assets in a solid and proven way. We are here to support and assist you in any matters related to your wealth and finances.

Integrity and excellence are fundamental to our work. Operating out of Switzerland, we work exclusively on first class platforms and enjoying the highest professional standards of our chosen local partners.